Today’s featured photo of the day! November’s feature is: California

Here is today’s featured photo. For the month of November I am featuring photos of California. The Pacific Ocean is among the most pretty of the scenes in any coastal state, so here is another really nice photo a couple hours before the sunset right off of scenic California Route 1. You can just see the sets of waves lined up and waiting to come in! Date – November 1991.

California_Hwy 1 F__Fujicolor 400.png

Photo taken with a Nikon FE camera through a Nikon 26 mm lens, filter=polarizer, Aperture=16 f/stop, shutter-speed 1/250th second, loaded with Fujicolor 400 Color 135 Negative Film processed with C-41 Processing Chemicals, and a Type C Print using the RA-4 enlargement paper process, onto a 4X6″ semi-gloss print.

TIP/FACT:  Just like a skyline photo, the wider the angle on the lens the better, until you try to go under 20 mm, because that is the minimum angle whereby the lens starts to fish-eye. Fish-eye lenses (18 mm and down) are great for effect, but you must learn to use them correctly to get good effects, and for landscape or photos including a horizon, anything but a straight plane looks pretty sloppy. If you do use a lens that fish-eyes, you MUST center the horizon to have it to come out straight and without a curve, unless that is the effect that you are looking to obtain.

See you tomorrow with another fine photograph of my favorite state to vacation–California!!
© 2019 Versatileer


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