Versatileer  Reviews: Product Reviews 
My review of Monopoly® Scrabble®, Scrabble® Spanish Edition, Barrel Of Monkeys®, Twistables™ 2x2x2 Puzzle, Twistables™ 3x3x3 Puzzle & Twistables™ 4x4x4 Puzzle from Winning Moves GamesMonopoly® Scrabble®, Scrabble® (Spanish), Twistables™ 2, 3 & 4 Puzzle from Winning Moves Games_Review__DROPPED BOM.jpgI am absolutely thrilled to review the following games from Winning Moves Games:

Monopoly® Scrabble®
Experience the totally unique gameplay of Monopoly® Scrabble®— the innovative game that combines the best elements of the Monopoly® game with the crossword-building play of Scrabble®.

In place of rolling dice to move around the board, players build words and move ahead by their score. Build a word on a premium space and claim a Monopoly® property.

Clever gameplay twists, along with custom Community Chest and Chance cards, keep things moving at a fast pace.

The winner is the player with the highest total of cash and property value when the last letter tile is played.

Monopoly® Scrabble®— a perfect mash up of two of the world’s most famous, greatest and beloved games.

  • Ages: 8 and up
  • Players: 2 to 4
  • Contents: 1 Quad-Fold Gameboard, 5 Wooden Scrabble Tile Racks, 1 Bag of 100 Wooden Scrabble Letter Tiles, Tile Storage Bag, 9 Silver-Toned Monopoly Tokens, Deck of 24 Community Chest Cards, Deck of 24 Chance Cards, 10 Title Deed Cards, Monopoly Money Pad (Sixty $100 bills and Sixty $500 bills), Illustrated Rules


My Review:
My experience while playing Monopoly® Scrabble® is that it is a faster paced, and things move faster than the standard version Monopoly®, with the game mixed up with the Scrabble® game, making for a lot of fun-filled play. I personally have only successfully played three full games of Monopoly® in my life, so this faster paced game is highly recommendable for an easy game night where we don’t have to worry about losing any sleep. The Scrabble® twist makes for a great evening, and highly recommendable and easy to play game!

27 thoughts on “Monopoly® Scrabble®, Scrabble® (Spanish), Twistables™ 2, 3 & 4 Puzzle from Winning Moves Games – Review

  1. Monopoly and Scrabble are two of our favorite games! I love the idea of them being combined! I’ll have to check this out for a game night!

  2. I love the Winning Moves games. We have had so much fun playing the Monopoly Scrabble . The kids really love playing with the Barrel of monkeys and twistables. These are great games

  3. I love that Winning Moves has so many awesome games, both classic and new! The Monopoly Scrabble is a new one that I think my whole family would love.

  4. Monopoly and Scrabble are classics. We always set aside at lest one day a week to play board games and not use our tech devices. People are so glued to their phones that they do not enjoy the simple pleasure of playing a classic board game.

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