…It Is Daylight Savings Time

Welcome to the first implementation of spring, Daylight Savings Time! If you have an old-school clock, set it ahead one hour, or you are going to be one hour late to your appointment. The extra hour of daylight in the evening is way worth the missing hour as we are in a 23 hour day.

Originally from 1916-1918 during World-War I, original time laws were enacted to institute more daylight for war purposes, and was not liked by many so as to repeal the laws mostly until we got to World War II where Daylight Savings Time came back year round between 1942 to 1945. Then between 1945 to 1966 it was left up to the municipalities whether it was observed,until the Johnson administration. In 1966, the start of DST was the last Sunday of April. Then the Nixon administration. In January 6, 1974, implementing the Daylight Saving Time Energy Act reflecting the oil embargo went into effect, I remember the darkness of going to grammar school. The laws were amended the for Standard Time to start the last week in October 1974 and Daylight Saving Time resuming on the last week in February 1975 making it a little better. After the energy crisis was over by the year 1976, the US schedule was revised several times throughout the next decade, moving around the month of April to late March. Then from the period of 1986 to 2006, the country observed Daylight Saving Time for about 7 months each year, with the next change beginning Daylight Saving Time on the first Sunday in April, and I still have a lot of clocks that change themselves that reflect the time. The Energy Policy Act was enacted August 8, 2005 extending the yearly Daylight Savings Time period in the United States by several weeks. This finally went into effect starting 2007.

  • Starting time of DST was moved from the first Sunday of April to the second Sunday of March.
  • End of DST was moved from the last Sunday of October to the first Sunday in November.

alarm clock analogue bed bedroom

So now don’t be late Monday morning for work! Be safe!! Don’t forget to check your batteries on your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors!

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