Happy Rescue Dog Day 

Today is National Rescue Dog Day for 2024! A day to celebrate the service and leadership of rescue dogs worldwide . . .

Happy National Rescue Dog Day !


🐶 🐩 Information about Rescue Dogs 🐾 🐺

The Concept of Rescue Dogs:

Rescue Dogs:
Origination: The earliest recorded instances of canine training can be traced back to ancient Egypt circa 2000 B.C. Hunters of that era utilized a method of incentives and penalties to instruct their dogs in the art of hunting. This approach of training through positive reinforcement endured until the 19th century, when contemporary animal behaviorism started to take shape.
Continuing Concept: In 1660, the revered St. Bernard dog was initially utilized in the Western Alps to assist the Augustine monks of the Great St. Bernard Hospice, which was established to locate and aid lost and injured travelers along the perilous St. Bernard’s Mountain Pass. By 1750, these dogs were dispatched in pairs or trios to independently locate and rescue travelers. While one or two dogs remained with the victim, providing warmth by lying on top of them, another dog would return to the Hospice to seek assistance. This process mirrors the modern-day SAR ‘area search’ dog’s methodology: search, locate, indicate (communicate the find to the handler), re-locate (guide the handler to the victim). The iconic small whiskey barrel often depicted in photos of these dogs, unfortunately, appears to be nothing more than wishful thinking.

Origination: In 1824, the establishment of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Britain marked the creation of a structured welfare organization for dogs. This pivotal moment laid the groundwork for a transformation in societal attitudes towards dogs. In 1940, Ferdinand Schmutz pioneered the systematic training of search and rescue dogs for avalanches. The utilization of dogs significantly increased during the second world war, with a staggering number of over 200,000 dogs serving on various frontiers. Tragically, out of these, 25,000 dogs lost their lives on the German frontier alone.

Continuing Concept: Newfoundlanders are frequently involved in water rescues. Back in 1931, Swansea Jack demonstrated his bravery by saving a 12-year-old boy who had fallen off the docks in Swansea, Wales. He went on to perform 27 more remarkable rescues, earning numerous accolades and even a silver cup in recognition of his heroic efforts.


Bloodhounds courtesy of Openverse

United States:
Here is a brief timeline for the creation of the implementing of rescue dogs:

  • In 1866, the SPCA was established in the US by Henry Bergh, who founded the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Despite facing ridicule, opposition, and indifference from many, the ASPCA continued to expand its reach.
  • The Women’s SPCA of Pennsylvania established the first official animal shelter in the country in 1869
  • The formation of the American Humane Association in 1877.
  • In 1954, the Humane Society of the United States was established.
  • During the 1960s and 1970s, private animal shelters emerged alongside municipal ones, aiming to rescue strays and find them loving homes. This period also marked a shift in public perception towards strays, as they began to be seen as potential pets rather than mere public health risks.

What a Rescue Dog Is:  Trained rescue dogs offer a diverse range of therapeutic advantages. Individuals of all ages, including children, teenagers, and adults with autism, can derive benefits from the services provided by these remarkable canines. By serving as emotional support companions, rescue dogs play a crucial role in alleviating anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in both military personnel and individuals grappling with mental health conditions.

brown and white short coated medium sized dog on brown grass field during daytime,jpg

Photo by Mark Chan on Unsplash

Celebrated: Since the year 2018, National Rescue Dog Day is celebrated on May 21st each year.

A Few Facts:
I am sharing a few facts, and more, some trivia, some not trivial. . .

Typical Breeds Used as Rescue Dogs:

  • Bloodhounds
  • Basset Hounds
  • Beagles
  • Saint Bernards
  • German Shepherds
  • Labrador Retrievers
  • Belgian Malinois
  • More. . .
Popular Rescue Dog by Breed - 2023.png

Bloodhounds (21.3%), Basset Hounds (19.5%), Beagles (16%), Saint Bernards (12.4%), German Shepherds (12.1%), Labrador Retrievers (11.7%), Belgian Malinois (7.1%)

Training and Acclimation: The guideline known as the 3-3-3 rule provides a framework for successfully integrating a rescue dog into its new environment and facilitating its adjustment. According to this rule, the initial three days should be dedicated to acclimating the dog to its unfamiliar surroundings. Subsequently, the following three weeks should be devoted to training and fostering a strong bond between the dog and its new owner. Finally, the first three months should be utilized for ongoing socialization and training, ensuring the dog’s continued development and integration into its new home.

A.K.C. Recognition: The American Kennel Club (A.K.C.) acknowledged it in late 2013, and it currently encompasses one hundred sixty distinct breeds. The AKC Rescue Network comprises over 450 groups spread throughout the United States. The following reference information available involving rescue dogs. See there website HERE: The AKC Rescue Network.

FREEBIES For or About Dogs:
🐶  FREE Dog: Fonts
🐩  FREE Dog: Crafts + Printables
🐾  FREE Dog: Sheet Music: Certain Products, Membership Required
🐺  FREE Dog: Ideas, Crafts & Worksheets
🐶  FREE Dog:  AT “Hey It’s Free”

#Dog #Dogs #RescueDog #RescueDogs #RescueDogTeam #RescueDogLife #RescueDogTraining #DogTraining #DogTrainer #TaskTrained #Training #RescueAnimal #DogOfTheDay #Bloodhound #BassetHound #Beagle #SaintBernard #GermanShepherd #LabradorRetriever #BelgianMalinois

brown and black German shepherd.jpg

Photo by Altino Dantas on Unsplash

National Rescue Dog Day

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