G I V E A W A Y   E N D E D

@Versatileer Welcomes the Pity Parade by Whitney Dineen #BookBlitz + Entire Pity Series, Beach Bag, XL Beach Towel, Sunglasses, Fake Nails, and Lemon Scented Hand Cream #Giveaway
@XpressoTours Blog Tours – May 23rd to May 27th
Blitz-wide giveaway (INT), 18+ – May 29, 2024

Pity Parade by Whitney Dineen

Book & Author Details:
Pity Parade by Whitney Dineen
(Pity Series, #4)
Publication date: May 23rd 2024
Genres: AdultComedyContemporaryRomance
Provided by Xpresso Book Tours


Trina Rockwell here. You know, your favorite TV host from Midwestern Matchmaker?I have a I am without a doubt, the unluckiest dater in the history of the entire world. I’m not even embellishing. I’ve inadvertently dated a mobster, a dead-beat dad, and a guy who puts salt on watermelon. What’s next, pineapple on pizza?As my past relationships reads like the who’s who of court jesters, it’s no wonder I’ve refused my producers desire to spotlight me as one of the singles on a new show they’re putting together.

The problem is that Midwestern Matchmaker just got canceled and unless I agree to their terms, I’m out of a job.

In order to keep doing what I love doing—matching midwestern singles, I either need to suck it up and parade my dating life on national television or I need to get married—STAT.

Guess which one I’m putting my money on?

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Author Bio:

Whitney loves to laugh, play with her kids, bake, and eat french fries — not always in that order.

Whitney is a multi-award-winning author of romcoms, non-fiction humor, and middle reader fiction. Basically, she writes whatever the voices in her head tell her to.

She lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her husband, Jimmy, where they raise children, chickens, and organic vegetables.

Gold Medal winner at the International Readers’ Favorite Awards, 2017.

Silver medal winner at the International Readers’ Favorite Awards, 2015, 2016.

Finalist RONE Awards, 2016.

Finalist at the IRFA 2016, 2017.

Finalist at the Book Excellence Awards, 2017

Finalist Top Shelf Indie Book Awards, 2017

Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram

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Excerpt 1:
I sit down on the deck and take my shoes off. The warm boards feel wonderful on my bare feet. I can visualize myself drinking my morning coffee here every day at sunrise and sitting out and enjoying a glass of wine at the end of the day. If I weren’t so desperate to get out of doing another show with Tom, I’d forget everything to do with men and simply enjoy the summer for myself. 

I’m suddenly eager to put my feet into the water, so I stand up and walk down to the end of the pier. Within moments, I’m lost in my reverie and I don’t hear anyone approach before a deeply masculine voice announces, “Hi there, you must be my neighbor.”

I spin around so quickly I almost tip over. Oh. My. Heavens. I’m staring at the glorious-looking Heath Fox. My mouth suddenly goes so dry I can barely ask, “You’re my neighbor?” 

His green eyes pop open in recognition as he answers, “Trina Rockwell. Imagine meeting you here.”

Heath and I met at a charity event last year. He was one of the bachelors being auctioned off for the cause—childhood diabetes. One look at him kicked my libido into overdrive and I bid more on him than the next three men received combined—for charity, of course. 

“What are you doing here?” I ask this as though inquiring why he’s sunbathing on the moon or why he has fourteen toes on each foot.

“I’m taking the summer off to enjoy myself. How about you?”

“Me? Oh …  um … same.” Heath’s and my charity date went spectacularly well, or so I thought, until he kissed me goodnight. After that, he assured me in no uncertain terms that he wasn’t looking to get involved with anyone. 

I was offended to the extreme. It’s not like I thought I was buying a relationship with the man, but to end the night by giving me the kiss off—literally—was a bit much. 

“Dating anyone?” he wants to know.

“I’m not exactly sure why would you care?” Yeah, I’m still mad, but better keep it passive-aggressive. I’m not a shrew or anything.

He shrugs nonchalantly. “I don’t know. I thought I might have heard from you again after our evening out, but I didn’t.”

You thought you’d hear from me?”

“I thought we had a nice time,” he says. 

“Then maybe you should have called.”  So I could tell him to take a long walk off a short pier. 

 “According to the paperwork we signed for the auction, I wasn’t allowed to make first contact after our date. They didn’t want any of the ladies to feel unsafe.” I don’t remember reading that, but it sounds plausible.

“Huh.” I mean, what else can I say? Oh wait, I know. “You made it perfectly clear you weren’t looking for a relationship. I can’t imagine you thought I was clueless enough not to take the hint.”

“I wasn’t looking for a relationship,” he confirms. Then with a smirk that nearly melts my butter, he adds, “Nothing long lasting, anyway.”


Excerpt 2:
I sit down on the deck and take my shoes off. The warm boards feel wonderful on my bare feet. I can visualize myself drinking my morning coffee here every day at sunrise and sitting out and enjoying a glass of wine at the end of the day. If I weren’t so desperate to get out of doing another show with Tom, I’d forget everything to do with men and simply enjoy the summer for myself. 

I’m suddenly eager to put my feet into the water, so I stand up and walk down to the end of the pier. Within moments, I’m lost in my reverie and I don’t hear anyone approach before a deeply masculine voice announces, “Hi there, you must be my neighbor.”

I spin around so quickly I almost tip over. Oh. My. Heavens. I’m staring at the glorious-looking Heath Fox. My mouth suddenly goes so dry I can barely ask, “You’re my neighbor?” 

His green eyes pop open in recognition as he answers, “Trina Rockwell. Imagine meeting you here.”

Heath and I met at a charity event last year. He was one of the bachelors being auctioned off for the cause—childhood diabetes. One look at him kicked my libido into overdrive and I bid more on him than the next three men received combined—for charity, of course. 

“What are you doing here?” I ask this as though inquiring why he’s sunbathing on the moon or why he has fourteen toes on each foot.

“I’m taking the summer off to enjoy myself. How about you?”

“Me? Oh …  um … same.” Heath’s and my charity date went spectacularly well, or so I thought, until he kissed me goodnight. After that, he assured me in no uncertain terms that he wasn’t looking to get involved with anyone. 

I was offended to the extreme. It’s not like I thought I was buying a relationship with the man, but to end the night by giving me the kiss off—literally—was a bit much. 

“Dating anyone?” he wants to know.

“I’m not exactly sure why would you care?” Yeah, I’m still mad, but better keep it passive-aggressive. I’m not a shrew or anything.

He shrugs nonchalantly. “I don’t know. I thought I might have heard from you again after our evening out, but I didn’t.”

You thought you’d hear from me?”

“I thought we had a nice time,” he says. 

“Then maybe you should have called.”  So I could tell him to take a long walk off a short pier. 

 “According to the paperwork we signed for the auction, I wasn’t allowed to make first contact after our date. They didn’t want any of the ladies to feel unsafe.” I don’t remember reading that, but it sounds plausible.

“Huh.” I mean, what else can I say? Oh wait, I know. “You made it perfectly clear you weren’t looking for a relationship. I can’t imagine you thought I was clueless enough not to take the hint.”

“I wasn’t looking for a relationship,” he confirms. Then with a smirk that nearly melts my butter, he adds, “Nothing long lasting, anyway.”


Excerpt 3:
Once everyone is seated, there’s still an empty chair next to mine. I briefly wonder if we’re waiting for the checkout lady from the market. “Is someone else joining us?” As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I spot the sexy Trina Rockwell walking across the lawn in our direction. “Are you waiting for Trina?” 

“You know Trina?” This comes from Paige. 

“I do,” I tell her.

“From the television?” Faith wants to know. 

“Ah, no. I don’t have a lot of time to watch TV.”

“Then how do you know her?” Tim asks. 

Trina arrives before I can answer. Her eyes bug out at the sight of me, and she looks like she’s going to turn around and run in the other direction. After what appears to be much consideration, she stays put. “Heath. What are you doing here?” She is clearly not happy to see me.

I stand up and pull out her chair for her. “Tim invited me to join you.”

Her gaze lands on the country club owner in shock. “How do you know Heath?”

“I don’t,” he answers her. “I just met him tonight.”

“What are the chances?” Trina mumbles under her breath. 

“How do you know Heath?” Paige asks Trina. This whole evening is turning into something of an old-time comedy sketch. 

Trina smacks my hands off her chair before taking her seat. Then she addresses the table. “Heath lives in Chicago. I live in Chicago. People meet.” She glares at me like she’s daring me to contradict her, but I have no desire to irritate her more than I already have.

“Where was that?” Teddy asks. “I don’t mean to be nosy, but it feels like there’s a story here.”

I decide to take Trina off the hot seat and answer, “We met at a charity event.”

“Childhood diabetes,” Trina clarifies. And then we all sit quietly for a few moments. 

The table is so full of unspoken questions, it starts to get awkward, so I announce, “My niece has diabetes.”

Trina looks surprised. “Really?”

“Yes. Why else do you think I was there supporting the cause?”

“I don’t know any children with diabetes,” she responds. “Why do you think I was there?”

“Probably because you’re a local celebrity and you were trying to bring some awareness to the event.”

Her chin bobs up and down. I seem to have hit the nail on the head, and she doesn’t seem too pleased about it.

Sammy asks the question everyone else seems to be wondering. “Did you go together?” 

“No,” Trina tells her curtly.

Smaller groups break off to chat while Trina and I sit as uncomfortably as if one of us had just pooted and we’re trying to pretend we didn’t. She finally leans toward me and hisses, “Do not tell them that I bought a date with you.”


Excerpt 4:
This night couldn’t be more awkward if Jeffrey Halloway’s dead wife showed up. Yes, in the last ten minutes, I’ve found out he’s a widower, a retired stockbroker, and in love with all seven of his grandchildren. Oh, and garlic gives him heartburn. 

While he seems like a thoroughly decent man, there is no way I’m feeling anything romantic toward him. I blame that rat, Heath Fox. 

I’m not saying I’m attracted to Heath—even though, truthfully, I know I am. But I will confess to being distracted by him. It’s not bad enough I had to run into him here in Elk Lake, of all places, but he’s staying right next door to the property I’m renting. Add to that he seems to being going out of his way to get to know the only people in town that I know, and I couldn’t be more annoyed. 

Excerpt 5:
When I return from the beach, I spot Trina hurrying around the deck next door. She’s putting buckets of citronella candles around to keep the mosquitoes at bay and she’s placing brightly colored throw pillows on the furniture. “Hey, neighbor,” I call out. “Getting ready for some company?”

Her head pops up in a startled fashion. “Oh … um … yeah. Rather, yes, I am.”

“Who do you have coming out?”

“Just a friend,” she says. “But they’re not very social, so I’d appreciate it if you didn’t try to strike up a conversation with them.”

That sounds suspicious. “Why?”

“No reason.” She continues to dart around before coming to a halt. “Daniel has a stutter, and it makes himself conscious.”

“Daniel, is it?” Curious. 

“Is there something wrong with that?”

“No.” Yes. “Is he just a friend or is he more than a friend?” I ask. 

“How is that any of your business?” 

It’s not my business and I shouldn’t have asked, but I still want to know the answer. “He’s going to be my neighbor,” I tell her like this makes us destined for a lifelong bond. 

“For a week,” she snaps. “Which is not a long enough time for you to bother with him. You probably won’t even see him.”

“Yes, but what if he shows up at my door asking to borrow a stick of butter or something? You can’t expect me not to talk to him.”

Trina puts her hands on her hips as the wind picks up and blows her hair around her like a swirling dark curtain. She looks like an epic heroine in a superhero movie. Look out, Wonder Woman. “If Daniel shows up at your doorstep, you have my permission to loan him a stick of butter,” she grumpily concedes.

“What if he asks for coffee?” This conversation is getting ridiculous. 

She flings her hands out in front of her. “Then give him coffee.”

Nodding my head, I continue, “What if he wants to talk about you?”

“He never has to know we’ve met,” she says sternly. 

“But you’re renting the place right next door …”

At that, Trina changes her mind about allowing me to talk to her friend. “You know what? Don’t talk to Daniel. I don’t care if he needs butter or coffee. You are not to speak to him. Do you understand?”

She’s getting really worked up over this and that piques my interest. “I don’t think that would be very neighborly.”

Trina picks up a pillow and punches it like she wishes it were my face. Then she puts it down and strides across her deck toward mine. When she’s within a couple of feet of me, she orders, “Heath Fox. I am not your friend and Daniel is not your friend. Do us both a favor and remember that.”

“Why aren’t you my friend?” I know I’m poking the bear, but darn it, I’m having a good time doing so. 

“Why would I be?” she returns. “I’ve met you two times. On the first occasion you barely spoke to me and on the second you talked a lot before telling me you didn’t want anything to do with me.”

Once everyone is seated, there’s still an empty chair next to mine. I briefly wonder if we’re waiting for the checkout lady from the market. “Is someone else joining us?” As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I spot the sexy Trina Rockwell walking across the lawn in our direction. “Are you waiting for Trina?” 

“You know Trina?” This comes from Paige. 

“I do,” I tell her.

“From the television?” Faith wants to know. 

“Ah, no. I don’t have a lot of time to watch TV.”

“Then how do you know her?” Tim asks. 

Trina arrives before I can answer. Her eyes bug out at the sight of me, and she looks like she’s going to turn around and run in the other direction. After what appears to be much consideration, she stays put. “Heath. What are you doing here?” She is clearly not happy to see me.

I stand up and pull out her chair for her. “Tim invited me to join you.”

Her gaze lands on the country club owner in shock. “How do you know Heath?”

“I don’t,” he answers her. “I just met him tonight.”

“What are the chances?” Trina mumbles under her breath. 

“How do you know Heath?” Paige asks Trina. This whole evening is turning into something of an old-time comedy sketch. 

Trina smacks my hands off her chair before taking her seat. Then she addresses the table. “Heath lives in Chicago. I live in Chicago. People meet.” She glares at me like she’s daring me to contradict her, but I have no desire to irritate her more than I already have.

“Where was that?” Teddy asks. “I don’t mean to be nosy, but it feels like there’s a story here.”

I decide to take Trina off the hot seat and answer, “We met at a charity event.”

“Childhood diabetes,” Trina clarifies. And then we all sit quietly for a few moments. 

The table is so full of unspoken questions, it starts to get awkward, so I announce, “My niece has diabetes.”

Trina looks surprised. “Really?”

“Yes. Why else do you think I was there supporting the cause?”

“I don’t know any children with diabetes,” she responds. “Why do you think I was there?”

“Probably because you’re a local celebrity and you were trying to bring some awareness to the event.”

Her chin bobs up and down. I seem to have hit the nail on the head, and she doesn’t seem too pleased about it.

Sammy asks the question everyone else seems to be wondering. “Did you go together?” 

“No,” Trina tells her curtly.

Smaller groups break off to chat while Trina and I sit as uncomfortably as if one of us had just pooted and we’re trying to pretend we didn’t. She finally leans toward me and hisses, “Do not tell them that I bought a date with you.”


Excerpt 6:
This night couldn’t be more awkward if Jeffrey Halloway’s dead wife showed up. Yes, in the last ten minutes, I’ve found out he’s a widower, a retired stockbroker, and in love with all seven of his grandchildren. Oh, and garlic gives him heartburn. 

While he seems like a thoroughly decent man, there is no way I’m feeling anything romantic toward him. I blame that rat, Heath Fox. 

I’m not saying I’m attracted to Heath—even though, truthfully, I know I am. But I will confess to being distracted by him. It’s not bad enough I had to run into him here in Elk Lake, of all places, but he’s staying right next door to the property I’m renting. Add to that he seems to being going out of his way to get to know the only people in town that I know, and I couldn’t be more annoyed. 

Excerpt 7:
When I return from the beach, I spot Trina hurrying around the deck next door. She’s putting buckets of citronella candles around to keep the mosquitoes at bay and she’s placing brightly colored throw pillows on the furniture. “Hey, neighbor,” I call out. “Getting ready for some company?”

Her head pops up in a startled fashion. “Oh … um … yeah. Rather, yes, I am.”

“Who do you have coming out?”

“Just a friend,” she says. “But they’re not very social, so I’d appreciate it if you didn’t try to strike up a conversation with them.”

That sounds suspicious. “Why?”

“No reason.” She continues to dart around before coming to a halt. “Daniel has a stutter, and it makes himself conscious.”

“Daniel, is it?” Curious. 

“Is there something wrong with that?”

“No.” Yes. “Is he just a friend or is he more than a friend?” I ask. 

“How is that any of your business?” 

It’s not my business and I shouldn’t have asked, but I still want to know the answer. “He’s going to be my neighbor,” I tell her like this makes us destined for a lifelong bond. 

“For a week,” she snaps. “Which is not a long enough time for you to bother with him. You probably won’t even see him.”

“Yes, but what if he shows up at my door asking to borrow a stick of butter or something? You can’t expect me not to talk to him.”

Trina puts her hands on her hips as the wind picks up and blows her hair around her like a swirling dark curtain. She looks like an epic heroine in a superhero movie. Look out, Wonder Woman. “If Daniel shows up at your doorstep, you have my permission to loan him a stick of butter,” she grumpily concedes.

“What if he asks for coffee?” This conversation is getting ridiculous. 

She flings her hands out in front of her. “Then give him coffee.”

Nodding my head, I continue, “What if he wants to talk about you?”

“He never has to know we’ve met,” she says sternly. 

“But you’re renting the place right next door …”

At that, Trina changes her mind about allowing me to talk to her friend. “You know what? Don’t talk to Daniel. I don’t care if he needs butter or coffee. You are not to speak to him. Do you understand?”

She’s getting really worked up over this and that piques my interest. “I don’t think that would be very neighborly.”

Trina picks up a pillow and punches it like she wishes it were my face. Then she puts it down and strides across her deck toward mine. When she’s within a couple of feet of me, she orders, “Heath Fox. I am not your friend and Daniel is not your friend. Do us both a favor and remember that.”

“Why aren’t you my friend?” I know I’m poking the bear, but darn it, I’m having a good time doing so. 

“Why would I be?” she returns. “I’ve met you two times. On the first occasion you barely spoke to me and on the second you talked a lot before telling me you didn’t want anything to do with me.”

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3 thoughts on “Ends 05-29 – Pity Parade by Whitney Dineen Book Blitz + Entire Pity Series, Beach Bag, XL Beach Towel, Sunglasses, Fake Nails, Lemon Scented Hand Cream Giveaway

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