Happy National Nurse’s Day & Week!

Today is National Nurse’s Day for 2024. This whole week celebrates National Nurse’s Week. Recognition and celebration goes to a very important person. . .Those who hold the profession of being a nurse!

National Nurse’s Day & Week ! ! !

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A Brief History:
Origination: In 1953, an employee of the U.S. Department of Health (& Human Services, now H.H.S.), Dorothy Sutherland sent a letter to then President Eisenhower with a proposal to celebrate a day just for the nurse. That year since the proposal was not considered, the following year, people started to celebrate the occasion without U.S. involvement. In the year 1974, President Nixon proclaimed a “National Nurse Week”. Then nurses in the State of New Mexico and The American Nurses Association (ANA) Board of Directors proposed a resolution in the year 1981 in order to have the day May 6th declared a “National Recognition Day for Nurses”. In the year 1982, a bill in the U.S. Congress (part of the Legislative Branch of the U.S. Governement) passed designating the day of May 6th to be “National Recognition Day for Nurses”, and then President Ronald Reagan signed the the bill into law recognizing the date. Then in 1990, the ANA Board of Directors expanded the recognition of a “National Nurses Week” to its week-long celebration  between May 6th to 12th. Nowadays the ANA chooses a new yearly theme to acknowledge the many services that are provided by nurses everywhere. The theme for National Nurses Week this year in 2022 is “Nurses Make a Difference“.

International Nurses Day: International Nurses Day is an annual observance held on May 12th, commemorating the birth in the year of 1820 of Florence Nightingale, the founding philosopher of modern nursing. This event was established in the year 1974 by the International Council of Nurses (ICN) in order to honor the important role that nurses fulfill in every day in health care.

A Week Long Celebration: People worldwide respect and admire the important and not-so-easy role that nurses fulfill every day. As far back as I have known, there has always been a shortage of nurses. They give their all for those in need. This whole upcoming week has hats off to those who care to be nurses. My mother was a nurse, and I completely respect all of the men and women who receive their caps.

Celebrated: Nationally we celebrate this great occasion of National Nurses Day since the year 1982 on May 6th every year. Internationally we celebrate International Nurses Day since the year 1974 on May 12th every year! The week is the caps because they were a symbol of the dedication that Nurses stand for. Celebration of “National Nurses Week” happens both here in the United States and in Canada between May 5th to 14th

A Few Facts:
I am sharing a few facts, and more, some trivia, some not trivial. . .

Major Nursing Roles:

  • Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)
  • Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
  • Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN)
  • Registered Nurse (RN)
  • Surgical Assistant Registered Nurse
  • Home Care Registered Nurse
  • Emergency Room Registered Nurse
  • Labor and Delivery Nurse
  • More. . .
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Photo by Ani Kolleshi on Unsplash

The Present:
The nursing profession deserves the admiration and celebration for their continued loyalty despite the nursing shortages! 

The Future:
Let’s give great thanks and continue to give great gratitude for nurses abroad, into the years to come. . .

FREEBIES & DEALS For Nurse Day & Week:
🏥 FREE: Nurse Day & Week:
⚕️ FREE:
Nurse Day & Week: Crafts + Printable
👩‍ CHEAP: Nurse Day & Week: Ideas, Crafts & Worksheets
👨‍ FREE:
Nurse Day & Week: AT “Hey It’s Free”

#Nurses #NationalNursesDay #NursesDay #NationalNursesWeek #NursesWeek #Nurse #CertifiedNursingAssistant #CNA #LicensedPracticalNurse #LPN #LicensedVocationalNurse #LVN #Registered Nurse #RN #SurgicalAssistantRegisteredNurse #HomeCareRegisteredNurse #EmergencyRoomRegisteredNurse #LaborAndDeliveryNurse #NursesRule #NurseStudent #NurseLife #NursesDoIt #NursesDoItBetter #InternationalNursesDay #NurseLove #NurseWeek #NursePractitioner #NurseMom #NursesLife

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Photo by Bermix Studio on Unsplash

National Nurses Day & Week

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