Today’s featured photo of the day! Winter

Here is today’s featured photo. For the rest of winter, I am featuring my collection of frigid photos! In today’s photo, I am featuring a snowy scene of the great 1982 blizzard in the Cook County forest preserves near Oak Forest in Illinois. This is the blizzard that paralyzed the whole state Missouri and lightning snows were recorded near St. Louis. The Chicago area was on the northern fringe of the storm, and even though the level of snow it was still a blizzard as the amount of snow doesn’t define a blizzard, it is the wind. Date –  January 31, 1982.

Blizzard 1-31-82a.png

Photo taken with a Nikon FE camera through a Nikon 26 mm lens, filter=polarizer, Aperture=5.6 f/stop, shutter-speed 1/30th second, loaded with Konica Fast ISO (ASA) 400 Color 135-20 Negative Film processed with C-41 Processing Chemicals, and a Type C Print using the RA-4 enlargement paper process, onto a 4X6″ semi-gloss print.

FACT:  A blizzard is VERY hard to obtain focus of any object, and auto-focus could only be worse than standard focus! This is because the blowing snow puts the whole photo out of focus. Blizzards are very hard to obtain a sharply focused photo, because it is hard to obtain a higher shutter speed because of the amount of light available. It is always the wind that is the culprit of any blizzard, not the amount of snow. You can get an amount of snow and have over 7 foot high drifts or better because of the wind. The true definition of a blizzard is any amplitude snowstorm whereby winds of 35 mph or more, with snow reducing visibility to one-quarter of a mile or less for at least three hours or more. As soon as the conditions are met, it is assigned blizzard status until the conditions curtail. Nowadays, snowstorms are named, in those days they were not.

See you tomorrow with another cold and frigid photo of the day!!
© 2020 Versatileer



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