I honor and contribute to persons with disabilities, as I still deal with life living with a disability. I am listing some resources for persons, as I have referred to the lists many times in the past. You can either do it for yourself or hire an advocacy group to assist in getting the proper resources. You certainly cannot rely on the government to assist you, as they won’t. Often times persons working for government agencies will even state that they cannot give advice, so these I hope that sharing these resource groups can assist:

Resources | NCD.gov

Programs for People with Disabilities | HHS.gov

Government and Local Disability Programs | USAGov

ELEVATE at Pexels

International Day of People with Disabilities

3 thoughts on “Today is International Day of People with Disabilities

  1. This is something not recognized or talked about enough. Thank you for sharing the resources and info! I personally admire people with disabilities that are still hard workers and inspirations!

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