My prayers are with all the families, friends and businesses in all areas!

Flood Advisories are in effect!

Former Hurricane Henri has made it’s move on its trek inland and a landfall crossing New York’s Long Island. The remnants are over the area from northeast New Jersey, east New York,and Massachusetts–moving into the New England states area later today (Tuesday) as it becomes post-tropical as the remnants are moving at stagnated speeds. There are plenty of flood alerts activated, and the possibility of tornadoes is not out of the equation, so be very careful! Visit: The NOAA NWS National Hurricane Center’s Facebook page for more info. More technical information as provided by – Tropical Weather Systems.

The current tropical activity report directly from the NOAA NWS National Hurricane Center:

↓ At 12:20 am ↓two_atl_2d0__00_00__20210824.png

Atlantic Tropical Report: The Atlantic season for the year 2021 is continuing to be a busier than normal year, but comparative to last year, we are only going on “I”, This time last year we were already at on “M” for Marco in this time frame.

Hurricane Season – YEAR 2020 vs. 2021
2021 2020
Tropical Storm Anna
Tropical Storm Arthur
Tropical Storm Bill
Tropical Storm Bertha
Tropical Storm Claudette
Tropical Storm Cristobal
Tropical Storm Danny
Tropical Storm Dolly
Hurricane Category 1 Elsa
Tropical Storm Edouard
Tropical Storm Fred
Tropical Storm Fay
Hurricane Category 1 Grace
Tropical Storm Gonzalo
Hurricane Category 1 Henri
Hurricane Category 1 Hanna
  ff Hurricane Category 1 Isias
    Tropical Storm Josephine
    Tropical Storm
    Hurricane Category 1
    Hurricane Category 1 Marco

We are also getting in a lull of tropical activity due to an African dust plume hovering in the area between Bermuda to the Caribbean:


FORMER HURRICANE HENRIAdvisories are in effect! Check out for your local listings here: Nationwide Station Listing Using Broadcast Frequencies. Flooding…start preparing for cleanup. . .wait until directed to return, for safety!! Former Hurricane Henri has made it’s move on its trek inland and a landfall crossing New York’s Long Island, with sustained rains and a record 1.94 in in one hour period in the hour of 10-11 pm on Saturday evening. The remnants are hovering with stagnated movement, further making it a complicated flooding situation over the area from northeast New Jersey, east New York,and Massachusetts–moving into the New England states area later today (Tuesday) as it becomes post-tropical as the remnants are moving at stagnated speeds. There are plenty of flood alerts activated so be very careful!  have a hurricane plan in action or visit Please adhere to safety measures and stay out of the way of danger! This storm is still capable of major damage. This storm is capable of torrential rains, wind, tornadoes, damage, flying debris, and unfortunately the possibility of some deaths. Make arrangements accordingly. Current posting from the NOAA NWS National Hurricane Center

The Weather Prediction Center is issuing Public Advisories on Post-Tropical Cyclone Henri, located inland near southern New England –
Elsewhere over the eastern Pacific Ocean on this Monday evening, NHC is watching three areas of disturbed weather for potential formation.
The first is a broad low pressure area producing disorganized showers and thunderstorms over the east-central tropical Atlantic more than 800 miles west of the Cabo Verde Islands. Little development is expected during the next couple of days due to only marginally conducive ocean temperatures. Thereafter, however, some gradual development is possible through the end of the week while the system moves northwestward to northward at 10 to 15 mph over the central Atlantic.
The second is a tropical wave over the eastern Caribbean Sea that is expected to form into a broad area of low pressure over the southwestern Caribbean Sea by late week. Thereafter, environmental conditions are forecast to be favorable for gradual development while the system moves west-northwestward to northwestward over the northwestern Caribbean Sea. It has a near zero chance of formation during the next 48 hours and a medium (50 percent) chance during the next five days.
The third is a low pressure area over the far eastern tropical Atlantic about 500 miles south-southeast of the Cabo Verde Islands, producing disorganized showers and thunderstorms. Some slow development is possible over the next several days while the disturbance moves westward to west-northwestward at 10 to 15 mph over the eastern tropical Atlantic. It has a low (10 percent) chance of formation during the next 48 hours and a medium (40 percent) chance during the next five days. –


East Coast flooding and also continental flooding in the state of Tennessee is going on now and cleanup is underway. Bless these people as 17 inches and more of rain has come down. Here is a list of tips and pointers if you live in one of these inundated area:

Does the Forecast Involve Excessive Rain or Flooding?
As informed by the National Weather Service in the article: Flood Safety Tips and Resources, flooding can be more than just depressing, it can be a downright catastrophe. Here are the demographics in any case of excess rain in a less than moderate amount of time:

Tips: Preparedness Before, During & After Flooding Waters:
Preparation is a very important of the process of making through a flooding period, and being ready. Here are some tips and pointers to assisting you in making sure that you are prepared for the flood, way before it shows up on your doorstep:

  • Create a Communications Plan! It’s important to be able to communicate with your family and friends if disaster strikes. Having a specific person identified to contact for status updates and having a safe location to meet up with family members is crucial. Have a plan in place if disaster does strike.
  • Assemble an Emergency Kit! Assembly of enough food, water and medicine on hand at all times to last at least 3 days in the case of any emergency.
    • Water service may become interrupted or unsafe to drink
    • Food may not be able to be cooked
    • No refrigeration may be available if electric power is interrupted

    The Kit:

    • Batteries
    • Blankets
    • Flashlights
    • First aid kit
    • Rubber boots
    • Rubber gloves
    • A NOAA Weather Radio or other battery operated radio
  • Know Your Risk! Make sure you access whether or not that your home, business or school is on a floodplain. Make sure that you discuss this with your insurance agent before disaster strikes. Maske sure that you identify the source of nearby water and where the risks are. Are there roadways you most often travel where water is likely to collect on? Identify an escape plan:
    • The roadways
    • A Walking path
    • The fastest way to get to higher ground

Knowing the answers to these questions ahead of time can mean the difference of saving your life in time of crisis.

  • Sign Up for Notifications! Keep informed at the NOAA/National Weather Service: Water web-page.
  • Sign Up for Notifications!  Get notifications for the Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service RSS feeds for observed forecast and alert conditions about local water conditions.
  • Prepare Your Home: Sometimes floods develop slowly and forecasters can anticipate floods days or even weeks before they occur. Other times, flash floods can occur within minutes without any sign of oncoming rain. Being prepared can save your life and give you peace of mind::
    • Sandbags or other materials to protect your home from flooding water. Having sufficient time to do so is crucial, because filling sandbags can take longer than you think and in crisis, you may not have enough time.
    • Have a professional install backup check-valves in plumbing to prevent flood waters from coming back the opposite way through the drains in your home.
    • Make sure your sump pump is in proper working order and consider a backup.
    • Make sure your electric circuit breakers or fuses, are marked clearly to represent each area of your home.
  • Standard homeowners insurance doesn’t cover floods! Ensure coverage on your home and it’s belongings by contacting your insurance agent to purchase proper flood insurance. This must be done before way before there is an event or a threat of flooding. Insurance companies pay attention to zones and once a threat is issued, they stop issuing policies until there is no longer a threat of flooding. (i.e. an approaching hurricane, or storms cross country impending). Yet even, many flood insurance policies have provisions that take at least 30 days for benefits to go into effect, so that even if you can buy it as a storm is approaching, it may not have protection, if you do not act before a flood.
  • Take photos way before any incident: Take photos for insurance purposes and also so you know what may be lost, should disaster strike. These photos and comparable photos right before you leave will make the claim process a cinch later, if a disaster happens.
  • Prepare your Family/Pets:
    Due to possible evacuation, pack in advance. Don’t procrastinate gathering essentials for yourself, your family and/or your pets.
  • Keep your Essential Electronics Charged: Make sure that your cell phone, portable radios, flashlights and other instruments fully charged in case you lose power and/or need to evacuate. Also have back-up batteries for all the above on hand.
  • Leave: Without having to be evacuated, make the decision to get out, if it is likely your home will flood. You don’t have to wait to be ordered to leave; evacuate yourself! Make sure you take another quick set of photos. Try to make sure GPS location set is on while taking , as it helps prove that they were taken before the storm. Make alternative plans for a place to stay. If you have pets, take them with you or make accommodations for boarding them at a friends, family or a facility well away from harm’s way.
  • If you can, give blood regularly: Health permitting, make sure you do your part to make sure that the local blood banks are fully restored before a disaster.

If you are present during the arrival of flooding conditions, here are some tips and pointers to assisting you in making sure that you are prepared for the conditions of having a flood on your doorstep:

  • Monitor the levels of water at all times: The water levels and the rate the water is flowing can quickly change, so remain aware and monitor local radio and television outlets frequently. Avoid the flood waters and evacuate immediately if and when water starts to rise. Make a decision promptly and don’t wait until it is too late!
  • Stay Informed: Listen to radio and television, including NOAA Weather Radio and if possible, check the Internet and social media for the latest information and updates.
  • Get to Higher Ground: If you live in a flood prone area or are camping in a low lying area, get to higher ground immediately. If you notice incoming water of any levels, evacuate immediately.
  • Obey Evacuation Orders: If you are told to evacuate, please do so immediately. Lock up when you leave. If you have time, disconnect any and all utilities and if possible, appliances.
  • Practice Electrical Safety: Do not go into the basement, or any room if and when water covers the electrical outlets or if cords are submerged under water. If you see sparking or hear buzzing, crackling, snapping and/or popping noises–get out immediately! Stay out of standing water that possibly has electricity in it!
  • Avoid Flood Waters: Do not walk through flood waters, as it only takes 6 inches of moving water to knock you off of your feet. If you are trapped by moving water, move to the highest point and call 9-1-1 if it is possible. Do NOT drive into flooded roadways or around a barricade–Turn Around, Don’t Drown! Water may be deeper than it appears and can hide hazards such as:
    • sharp objects
    • washed out road surfaces
    • electrical wires
    • chemicals
    • etc.

    A vehicle caught in swiftly moving water can be swept away in seconds with just 12 inches of water, and 18 inches of water can carry away large vehicles, or a small SUV. A cubic yard of water weighs 1,686 pounds, so add in movement so you see the power of water. You don’t stand a chance walking, so don’t even try!

When The flood waters recede, the damage left behind by the water, all things involved with it and the trauma and elements can be devastating and present many dangers. Flood destruction can depict:

  • Destruction to homes and buildings
  • Missing, damaged and destroyed possessions
  • Missing and destroyed vehicles
  • Decimated roadways

However, what you can’t see can be very dangerous. Floodwaters often become contaminated with sewage or chemicals, and these elements are left behind in your decimated possessions, buildings and vehicles. Gas leaks and live power lines can be left on and are deadly if not discovered, and are not obvious at first glance, so be very careful!

  • Stay Informed: Stay tuned to your local news for updated information on road conditions.
  • Water Safety: Ensure water is safe to drink, cook and/or clean with after the flood. Pay attention to the authorities for boil orders, so the water is safe to use after a flood. Pay particular attention to the utility companies about restoration and note that the companies often have apps to update you about getting service back. Carbon monoxide poisoning is one of the leading causes of death after a storm that deals with power outages due to the improper use and or placement of a portable generator. Never use a portable generator inside your home, garage or other closed space. For safety information on use of generators, you can review the following: Carbon Monoxide Dangers.
  • Avoid Flood Waters: Standing water likely hide many dangers including toxins, bacteria and chemicals. Also there may be hidden sharp objects under the water. There may also be collapsed roadway, ground, missing manhole covers, and you never can tell how deep the water is once it is covered by water. If it’s likely your home will flood, don’t wait for an evacuation order, just get out! Talk to your neighbors, friends and family about emergency visits. If you have pets, make accommodations and take them with you or somehow get them to safety.
  • Avoid Disaster Areas: If you are not trained or a professional, please do not visit disaster areas. Your presence may delay a rescue and other emergency operations that is underway because of concern that you may be injured. It is always the right thing to make sure that this does not happen, because in any emergency situation, time is of essence
  • Obey Road Closed and Caution Signs: Road closure and other cautionary signs are not designed to be decorative, and are put in place with safety in mind. Paying attention to them often can mean the difference between life and injury!
  • Wait for the “All Clear”: Do not go back to enter your property or searching for items including vehicles until you’re given the “All Clear” by the authorities. If you enter flood damaged buildings and grounds, be extremely careful. Buildings and grounds can be unstable, so water can cause the floods to a further collapse, a ceiling to fall, or other unseen problems. Make sure that the electrical system has been disconnected before entry. Have the power company or a qualified electrician fix any wiring. Contact your insurance agent to evaluate property damage. If you have a generator, follow proper safety procedures: FEMA Portable Generators and Winter Storms (The tips and pointers are still valid for summer storms).
  • Contact Your Family and Loved Ones: Let your family and close friends know that you’re okay. Login to Facebook and share your “marked safe” status on either the app or online. Give permission for them to spread the word so you are able to focus on cleaning up the disaster.
  • Call your insurance agent: Make an appointment through your insurance agency to have an adjuster dispatched to access the damages. Make sure that you photograph anything you do in an emergency repair situation, so that reimbursement can be accessed after the fact. Anything you do must be documented properly, in order for the adjuster to apply a reimbursement for damages. The agent will be able to give a timetable for getting you back on track and for assisting you in being able to have resources for hiring professionals to repair your property, vehicles or other elements–and get your life back on track again.

There are many disaster and emergency preparedness and assistance resources available for you to help you through the hard times rebuilding:

  • American Red Cross:
  • American Red Cross – Contact and Locate Loved Ones:
  • American Red Cross – Find an Open Shelter:
  • American Red Cross – Safe and Well:
  • Apps – American Red Cross: Separate apps cover the subjects of: blood, earthquake, emergency, first aid, flooding, hero care, hurricanes, pet first aid, tornadoes, and wildfires.
  • Apps – Pet owner disaster preparation and assistance (ASPCA): This can assist with personalized missing pet recovery kits, creating digital lost pet flyers that can be shared instantly on the user’s social networks, advice on what to do with your pet before, during and after a storm or natural disaster, and the ability store a pet’s vital medical records and dietary needs, which can shave off precious time in the event of an emergency. This information can be easily stored and shared for your convenience as well.
  • provides information on how you might be able to get help from the U.S. Government before, during and after a disaster. If the President makes help available to individuals in your community after a disaster, you can visit this site to apply online.
  • Disaster Distress Helpline: SAMHSA’s Disaster Distress Helpline provides crisis counseling and support to people experiencing emotional distress related to natural or human-caused disasters and is dedicated to providing year-round immediate crisis counseling for people who are experiencing emotional distress related to any natural or human-caused disaster. This toll-free, multilingual, and confidential crisis support service is available to all residents in the United States and its territories.
  • Call: 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746 to connect with a trained crisis counselor.Stress, anxiety, and other depression-like symptoms are common reactions after a disaster.
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA): FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.
  • Military OneSource: Offers various articles and resources for emergency preparedness and natural disasters.
  • Money Management in Times of Disaster: with information about Money Management during times of disaster:
    • Money management in times of disaster: Preparation
    • Returning to your damaged home
    • Managing finances and making decisions after a disaster
  • Ready is a national public service advertising (PSA) campaign designed to educate and empower Americans to prepare for and respond to emergencies including natural and man-made disasters. The goal of the campaign is to get the public involved and ultimately to increase the level of basic preparedness across the nation. Ready and its Spanish language version Listo ask individuals to do three key things: (1) build an emergency supply kit, (2) make a family emergency plan and (3) be informed about the different types of emergencies that could occur and their appropriate responses.
  • Sesame Street (Emergency Toolkits): has simple and easy resources to help you help children and others recover from an emergency.
  • The National Terror Alert Response Center: is a private homeland security blog and not affiliated with any government agency. We archive and comment on homeland security related news items from a variety of news sources and tips, as well as provide immediate updates on breaking stories, bulletins and any change in status to Homeland Security advisory. <National Terror Alert has become America’s leading source for homeland security news and information. A collaborative resource of news and analysis related to homeland security events, threats and trends. The National Terror Alert Response Network promotes homeland security emergency preparedness through awareness, education, community involvement and partnerships between individuals, groups and organizations. We strive to chronicle homeland security related news, trends and events in an effort to create national awareness and focus. It is our belief that through education and awareness some instances of terrorism may be prevented and through preparedness lives can be saved.
  • TriCare: In the event of a natural disaster, TriCare US Family Health Plan will post disaster-related information on their homepage. It’s important to know that your TriCare benefits will be maintained during any time of crisis. In the event of evacuation, please take the necessary precautions. In the case of an emergency, dial 911 or go directly to the nearest emergency room. Click on an icon below (on the TriCare website) to read alerts and emergency information in your area.
    • TriCare emergency prescription refills: At times during emergencies, TriCare may authorize early refills for prescriptions. You will be notified via this site if early refills re authorized. TriCare officials remind beneficiaries that early refills are only authorized for beneficiaries who specifically indicate they are impacted by the emergency event.

There is more information available on the subject at: CDC: Natural Disasters and Severe Weather-Floods. Floods are a nasty fact of life, and happen in conjunction with other phenomenon like hurricanes, thunderstorms and just by themselves–by having storms or rains just not going away quick enough. It is never any fun! Don’t let the next flood be your last! Pay proper attention and be safe! They are not going away forever, and we need to be prepared, and be safe.

Other Tropical Systems: Former Atlantic Hurricane Grace has moved all the way over Mexico into the Pacific Ocean, reformed and renamed Tropical Storm Marty. Visit

Pacific Tropical Storm Marty

The National Hurricane Center is issuing advisories on Tropical Storm Marty, located about 300 miles west-southwest of the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula
Elsewhere over the eastern Pacific Ocean on this Monday evening, a broad area of low pressure is located less than 200 miles offshore of Guatemala and southern Mexico is producing some disorganized showers and thunderstorms. Environmental conditions are forecast to be favorable for gradual development of this system, and a tropical depression is likely to form by the middle to latter part of this week. The system is expected to move westward to west-northwestward at 10 to 15 mph this week, passing offshore of the coast of southwestern Mexico. It has a medium (60 percent) chance of formation during the next 48 hours and a high (90 percent) chance during the next five days. –

NOAA NWS National Hurricane Center on Facebook
Courtesy of @NWSNHC on Facebook


La Niña is being watched right now, and it would be a rare occurrence of less than two years between a cycle. Active record breaking hurricane seasons happen in conjunction of La Niña, so eyes are on the occurrence. KEEPING SAFETY IS OF UPMOST CONCERN! Check out the Wikipedia caption: Atlantic hurricane season


Tips: Preparedness Before, During & After Tropical Weather:
Here are tips before the storm, a lot of these should generally be maintained before a hurricane watch is issued, months before a prediction is made:

  1. Strap down the roof. Using hurricane straps/clips to fastening your home’s roof to the frame of the house, thus reducing any roof damage.
  2. Put head plus foot bolts on all entry doors.
  3. Buy or make window covers and storm shutters. Board up any remaining windows. Make sure all glass is covered no matter how small to reduce debris.
  4. Take any antennae and satellite equipment down.
  5. Caulk around the doors and windows.
  6. Secure and protect all attached structures. Make sure all patio furniture, grills are put away or get it into your house. Turn off propane and try to cover them if possible.
  7. Test the sump pumps and drains, and make sure the back-flow flap valves are operating to assure that water does not back up from the drain pipe.
  8. Turn off ALL utilities at the shut-off valves, and trip the electric main. Pull out all the unnecessary plugs at every receptacle in case of lightning strikes after possible submersion. Do not unplug the refrigerator and/or freezers. Make sure that you have battery operated security as it is not safe to leave AC on during a storm.
  9. Take before photos to have handy for your information and insurance purposes. They may be necessary to assist your later damages from the storm.

The instance that you hear, several days before onslaught, put off Xbox and all hobbies and get adequate sleep, because once you are going to make a decision and prepare if the hurricane looks like it is going to hit, you are going to need this sleep very badly. DO NOT think for a minute that you can stay and ride out the storm!! Reporters dispatched out into the storm are trained individuals who undergo years of training and underlying experiences, so don’t even think that going out on a whim to stay and see the hurricane is a viable option. When the authorities state that it is unsafe to stay, get ready right away! Do NOT wait until it is too late. Procrastination is your worst enemy, as a bad rush hour is a baby compared to trying to get out late in a hurricane. This is why a lot of times all lanes of highways go the same way–OUT!

  • When authorities say to evacuate, DO NOT argue, and do so immediately.
  • Make sure you bring proper ID, you will need it to get back when the storm has passed.
  • Leave and mobile homes and to go to a nearby shelter.
  • If your home is not on high ground or in a flood plain, go to a shelter.

Make sure you do not forget anything at home, because you will not be able to return to home one you leave! The authorities WILL NOT allow you to go back once you make your move for any reason, as they do not have time to deal with security issues and are trained to make sure everyone is getting out. If you wait too long and cannot evacuate, if you have an emergency, a lot of times there may be no assistance for you in an emergency. Phone lines are down even in this computer age, and emergency individuals are swarmed with work, and a lot of people already evacuated. Here are some survival tips:+

  1. Always stay indoors during a hurricane, and do not venture outside because strong winds will blow things around. The force of a flying object can be deadly or devastating.
  2. Make sure you know low-lying and flood prone areas, and STAY AWAY. Once water covers, you will not know how low they really are. Do not walk on the flooded areas, as manhole covers wash away, and the chance of falling into a crevice is very dangerous.
  3. Stay informed by monitoring the storm by radio, and if power is still an option, plug in the TV, and/or internet. A battery operated weather radio is most helpful.
  4. Avoid the phone, except for a serious emergency.

Stay alert for extended rainfall and all subsequent flooding after the hurricane has passed and tropical storm has moved out of the area. If you evacuated, return only when the officials approve say it is safe. Drive only if necessary and avoid flooded roads and washed out areas. Have ID ready as checkpoints only allow officials, media, cleared parties and people with proper credentials to pass for safety and security.
Here are After the Storm tips:
Access any and all damages carefully and pay attention to safety, including embedded glass and shrapnel. Have a first aid kit handy.

  1. Call insurance and only follow the following tips after proper accessing has been done, and don’t forget to take photos first before you fix damages. keep all receipts for supplies, fixing–for insurance or to claim a loss.
  2. Access the possibility and turn on utilities ONLY if possible, plug in at every receptacle in case of lightning strikes after possible submersion. Make sure that you have battery operated security as it is not safe to leave AC on during a storm.
  3. Access stability and remove the straps on the roof. Remove hurricane straps/clips to fastening your home’s roof to the frame of the house, thus reducing any roof damage.
  4. Remove any head/foot bolts on entry doors.
  5. Remove or higher window covers and storm shutters. Carefully take all board-up and covering down/off.
  6. Re-install antennae and satellite equipment.
  7. Take down the strapping from secured attached structures. Re-position all patio furniture, grills, etc. Turn on propane and hook up utilities if possible.
  8. Check the sump pumps and drains, and make sure they are operating properly to assure that they are ready for subsequent storms.
  9. It may take several weeks to dispose of refuse, make sure if any waste is hazardous to dispose of properly.
  10. Fix the decor to return everything to it’s normal state.

The good news of a hurricane, is that they are the most predictable storm on the planet. Except in the late hurricane season of late October and November hurricanes usually move at predictable speeds, and are seen days ahead of time. The problem is that in true reality, if you know that you are in a hurricane zone, you really should play it smart and be prepared with plenty of supplies that are put away in a close storage area, so that the only thing you need to do to prepare for an oncoming hurricane is boarding up and getting out.

A hurricane is a nasty fact of life, but truly is necessary for the world to exist as it does. Hurricanes are mother nature’s control and thermostat to ensure that the oceans do not overheat. The hurricane sheds heat off the ocean surface and casts the heat into outer space really fast. They are true heat vacuums. The cores of heat shed from hurricanes make the ceilings of heat from 5 times to sometimes fifty times higher in altitude. It is the only time heat ever goes this high up. The price? The waters of the tropical oceans pay a high price in lost ocean wildlife and damage to underwater vegetation including the coral reef if the oceans are too warm. Hurricanes also pull the continental weather down further south in this hemisphere to ensure that the polar weather doesn’t get so intense in the tundra areas, so that vegetation can exist. Hurricanes absolutely need to exist if we want to live on earth. They are not going away, and we need to be prepared, and be safe.




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