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Photo of the Day: Obscure Darkroom Magic Day 11

Today’s featured photo of the day! Obscure Darkroom Magic

Here is today’s featured photo. I am featuring an extra special event of featuring a reflection of my favorite part of being in the darkroom…making art out of a regular photo! Here is a set of photos of Maple Lake during the moonlight on a calm night on a full moon in the Palos area of the Cook County Forest Preserves in Illinois! Date – 1981.

Colorized with a selenium toner with a green spectrum selection.

This is the original shot with no embellishments.

Photo taken with a tripod mounted Nikon EM-through a Nikon 50 mm lens, filter=NONE, Aperture=8 f/stop, shutter-speed 8 seconds, loaded with Kodak Plus-X Black & White 135 Negative Film ISO (ASA) 125 (very fine grain) processed with D-76 Processing Chemicals, and a fiber paper print using the Kodak Professional “warm-tone” enlargement paper developed with Kodak Dektol chemicals onto a 3½x5″ matte-gloss print.

TIP:  Always use a bulb to control the release of the shutter for shots where the shutter speed in 1/15 of a second or longer to minimize blurring due to shaking. Even with newer technology, at 8 seconds you would still need a tripod, and a bulb is most helpful.

See you tomorrow with another fine darkroom magic photograph!!
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